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Saturday, March 15, 2025

My *UPDATE* on Pumping

It's fun. 

No, really. It's so fun!!!
What made me able to pump?

The trick was the rear bushings. That, plus how tight the rear is. The rear was, in fact, way too hard for me. Gray 96a Tall FatCone Krank is extremely hard, so that's why I switched to a 93a Krank Tall Barrel. 

It's like night and day.
Let me elaborate on why I think it's an amazing upgrade. 

1. The Shape of the Bushings 
They're a tall barrel. Much more movement than a Tall FatCone, which widens as you look down on it. 

What I had before 
Versus what I have now

So as you see in the diagram, these tall barrels move more than the Tall FatCone. 

2. 93a Duro vs. 96a Duro
They are much softer in comparison to 96a. However, if I wanted to go slightly harder, these bushings will actually harden as you tighten down the bushings, thanks to the Krank Formula that these bushings are poured in! So, even if they do happen to be too loose, I could just tighten them up, and they'll be perfect!!

3. The Rebound 
It's crazy to me, how much rebound is so important to the LDP experience. It returns you to the center of the board without bucking you off. It's so cool, but the front bushings have some rebound to them as well, thanks again to the Krank Formula and the APS formula. The front is APS, but Krank is in the rear. 

For a while I was using Ronin Talls , which are good, but, the only caveat being that they had little rebound. I mean, they're a great bushing for downhill....but for LDP? No, I'm happy I have a Krank formula bushing in the rear. 

Lesson to be learned: Tweak with the bushings. Seriously this is a must. Whether you are looking for more rebound, or just something loose in general, you should consider that. 

Not only did that whole bushing ordeal help, but the front angle is a huge factor as well. Reason? I'll tell you in an upcoming post!! So stay tuned!!
