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Saturday, May 25, 2024

Honest Review of the BB+

To clarify, I don't technically have a BB+. I do, but I also don't. What I have is a prototype, with a Poplar core, Fiberglass, Carbon Fiber and Hard Rock Maple.

But this board is great for a multitude of reasons. Number one being that it's so spacious.

My BB+ is a 29" which is 1" longer than the regular BB+'s length.

And man is it fun! I have the BB+ Platform with an ECOLITE torsion tail with 96a Tall Fatcones, Glass drop front, Poppy 55° 125mm with Riptide Bushings in the 75a Green Barrel APS, and a 70 purple APS Cone. All with 75.5mm Alpha Wheels 

I have my angle set to 59°, and with the Alpha Wheels, I feel like I can definitely pump this bad boy. 

And hey look! I can pump it! Pretty alarmingly fast, as a matter of fact. I was actually pumping it so good that I am now considering bumping up my diameter size to an 80mm.

It's also really comfortable. It has the same concave as the AZ, and a link to that article is right here. But to summarize one of the points I made, it feels like a cloud beneath my feet.

It also has a pretty good wheelbase Size, at 23.375"

So you know, it's very good for pumping!
And pump it I can!! It's got a good comfy flex to it, and man I can't recommend it enough!!

Also the graphic is pretty dope too!!


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