Tuesday, April 2, 2024

My experience Pumping

What even IS pumping?

Pumping on a longboard is essentially a technique for generating forward momentum without pushing off the ground. It's achieved by rhythmically shifting your weight from your toes to your back heels, while also carving slightly in opposite directions. This creates a pumping motion that propels the board forward. So a lot of people, myself included, listen to music while skating, which helps with the rhythmic pattern.

Imagine carving turns on your longboard, but instead of aiming to change direction completely, you're initiating small carves back and forth. As you press down on your toes, the board carves slightly one way, and the flex of the board combined with your weight transfer generates forward momentum. You then transition your weight to your heels, carving slightly in the other direction, which further propels you forward.

Pumping requires practice to master, but it's a rewarding skill that allows you to cover long distances without getting tired. It's also a great way to improve your balance and carving technique.

So what is MY experience?

My experience was that it was very fun, it really works your core, plus the ankles. I was essentially on a really long Surfskate. It was 56" long with like a 34" Wheelbase. For reference, most Surfskates are at the most 34", with a Wheelbase of 18". So I was on a really long one for sure!

Ken, my Therapist, standing with my board. Can you tell he's proud to hold it? Haha

It's really fun to go side to side in succession while feeling the board go forward. It feels both exhilarating and efficient. You'll feel your legs engaged, core activated, and upper body swaying in unison. As you master the pump, you'll carve through smooth pavement with a sense of weightlessness and continuous speed.

But here's the thing, it HAS to be smooth pavement. Well, either that, or have a pivot cup/tube in the truck. Not a Spherical bearing, because then you will get massive road vibration, which will make your ankles sore!

Luckily, when I was pumping, I was doing it in the therapy clinic. Man, it sure feels nice! But now, I want to pump on an actual trail!! I was actually pumping it earlier today on Sunday, March 31st. Man am I excited to start pumping my AZ and my X26!!

My board, pictured here with Love Handles from my boardshop, Kraken Boardshop!! 

The Overall experience of it tho? 10/10

It's crazy to feel yourself, essentially flying through the air as you twist your ankles and get your whole body in the groove. It's super fun, a great workout, and you can really get up there in terms of speed! I highly recommend for anyone!!!!

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