Tuesday, February 27, 2024

My injury, The Boardshop, and other News

Hey guys...
So I was recently injured in a longboarding accident where I basically went head over toe. But, a bit of backstory. I got cocky, and decided to take a really steep road, like a 15% grade kind of road, and then I fell. I got speed wobbles , fell head over feet. Hit my head. Suffered a TBI, and now I'm partially deficit on my right side.

So, that's no fun...

...But now...

I have my own boardshop in it's very own building. I'm very happy and proud to have it in my hometown of Centralia. Let's see, what else is new with me - oh yeah, I am focusing more on LDP, or Long Distance Pushing/Pumping. Now granted, I don't have all the movements back, but, hopefully, with time/practice, I will be able to get it down to a science.

A new product we have in the Boardshop is Loaded boards, which is a big deal. And also, along with Loaded, we have Orangatang wheels, which is such a massive achievement. 

I don't know though, but I am happy. Not just happy with the personal progress, but happy for the present and future. I'm excited to see what this crazy journey called life throws at me, and hey! I might just freeride again one day. But for now, I'm happy.  

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