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Thursday, May 24, 2018

Honest Review of the Paris V2 43° Trucks

Honest review of the Paris V2's.

These trucks are really, really fucking great. I love these trucks, and granted they do have some minor things, I recommend these in a heartbeat.

Heres the good.

• Rake
• Very, very light
• Open bushing seat
• Very surfy, carvy feel

I love 'em. The rake helps the already carvy, open bushing seat. I feel very fluid on these trucks when goin down. They're super stable, too. They're a low, 43 degrees.

Here's the bad, though.

Not too much. 

  • Cheap Paint
  • Cheap Metal
Anything will destroy the paint. I only got the color gold, because raw wasn't available (No paint is lighter than with paint). I curbed my trucks, so of course paint came off. However, concrete chips, wood, mud, pebbles, and anything else basically will hit the paint, and take it off. 

 Not only that, but the metal is a bit cheap. Granted, my hangers are stronger than the V1 Paris, but they still bent a little. Not by much, only by 2mm or so. Not too bad. It's light. but that's because the metal is light, and bendable.

In conclusion...


They are well worth the money. Super carvy, fun, and stable. 8/10

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