Friday, September 27, 2024

Honest Review of the Abec11 ReFly 90mm Wheels

They actually feel really good!

They're a 74a wheel, which means that they are really soft. 

Granted now, I have experience pumping some Pantheon Karmas, as well as 85mm Speed Vents. 

Now, because of my limited experience (Speed Vents and Karmas), I can't delve too far into detail, but, here are my thoughts.

1. The Comfort 
The Comfort on these wheels are astonishing. 
Although, that comes with a disadvantage as well. But yeah, these wheels, when initially pushed, feel absolutely amazing. 
2. The Pumping 
The Pumping is..... okay (?). I mean like it does it's job fine enough, but I was struggling with it a little bit. But it pumps fine. This actually is a sorta extension on point 1 though, being that because they're so soft, they're harder to pump. Now, with the Karmas, also being 74a, it's weird. They don't feel that soft, so they feel better in the pump, but with the Abec11's, they feel gummy. Which should in theory be great for pumping, however, because they're so soft, it also decelerates the wheel just a tad, which equals to more work on MY (YOUR) part. So, with that being said, I have no idea why the Karmas are better, whether it's the shape, or the urethane, I like the Karmas a heck of a lot more than the Reflys!!

3. These wheels aesthetically are very pleasing.  But also, they're a very simple wheel. Nothing fancy about these wheels, no sir! In fact, that's probably why I don't like them that much, THEY'RE A VERY SIMPLE SHAPE.
4. In comparison to the Karmas (review coming soon btw) they feel a tad sluggish, but overall, they are for sure a wheel haha! I think because of the urethane, plus the simple shape and design, these wheels feel really lackluster.
My overall rating of them tho??
They feel good enough for pumping, but, there are better options for sure.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Honest Review of the Seismic Blast Waves

They're an *okay* wheel. 
This is the good
They are pretty good for slower speeds. 

This is the bad
They are only good for slower speeds. Don't get me wrong, they're a great wheel, with lots of potential. However, that potential is limited due to its size. 

When you really want to get going, they feel like they hold you back. 

So according to some, they're really sluggish when they're poured in 78.5a urethane. Which is the formula I got. Apparently they are better in 80a and 77a, but I haven't tried it. 

My overall rating of this wheel? Ehhhhhhhhh...


Pretty lackluster, they feel good when you are starting to pick up speed, but, that's where the fun starts and subsequently ends. And trust me, I really wanted this wheel to work for me, but, maybe in the future I will try a harder variation.